“Croeso i’n gwefan newydd! Diolch am gymryd yr amser i gael gwybod mwy am ein hysgol. Mae’r ysgol yn cynnig ystod eang o gyfleoedd i’n disgyblion, fel rhan o’r cwricwlwm ac fel gweithgareddau allgyrsiol. Ein nod yw rhoi’r sgiliau, yr agweddau, y gwerthoedd a’r wybodaeth angenrheidiol i blant i’w paratoi fel dysgwyr am oes.”
“Welcome to our new website! Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our school. The school offers a wide range of opportunities for our pupils, both as part of the curriculum and as extra-curricular activities. Our aim is to equip children with the skills, attitudes, values and knowledge necessary to prepare them as learners for life.”
Ebostiwch y Pennaeth, Mrs Rhian Francis gydag unrhyw ymholiadau/
Please email theHeadteacher, Mrs Rhian Francis with any enquiries: