Neges y Pennaeth

Headteacher’s Message

Croeso i wefan Ysgol Pum Heol ac i’n hysgol brif ffrwd gynhwysol ym mhentre hardd Pum Heol ar gyrion Llanelli. Mae’n ysgol deuluol sy’n gosod lles yn agwedd flaengar o fywyd ysgol. Mae gennym adeilad newydd, hyfryd, lle mae pawb yn adnabod ac yn gofalu am ei gilydd. Mae perthynas gryf iawn rhwng staff a disgyblion.

Ein nod yw sicrhau cyrhaeddiad academaidd a chyfoethogiad personol pob disgybl mewn awyrgylch gefnogol a chynhwysol. Mae staff Ysgol Pum Heol yn darparu amgylchedd hapus a gofalgar lle mae meithrin perthnasoedd cryf wrth wraidd ein hethos a’n gwerthoedd i wireddu’n arwyddair, Dysgwn y Ffordd i Fyw.

Ein nod yw hyrwyddo’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg, hanes a diwylliant trwy ein cwricwlwm beth bynnag yw iaith y cartref. Cynigwn addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg ar draws y cwricwlwm, a’n nod yw i bob plentyn gyrraedd eu potensial o ruglder yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg.

Yn ogystal â darparu profiadau dysgu o ansawdd uchel, mae pob disgybl yn cael eu hannog i gymryd rhan mewn ystod o weithgareddau diwylliannol, cerddorol, chwaraeon ac allgyrsiol drwy gydol eu hamser yn yr ysgol. Edrychwn ymlaen i’ch croesawi chi yma.

Cysylltwch os hoffech drefnu ymweliad.

Welcome to Ysgol Pum Heol’s website. An inclusive mainstream school in the picturesque village of Five Roads on the outskirts of Llanelli. It is a school that places wellbeing in the progressive aspect of school life. We have a lovely, new building with a strong sense of family, where everyone knows and cares for each other. There is a very good relationship between staff and pupils.

Our aim is to ensure academic achievement and personal enrichment for all pupils in a supportive and inclusive atmosphere. The staff at Ysgol Pum Heol provide a happy and caring environment where building strong relationships is at the heart of our ethos and values to make our motto a reality, We Learn the Way to Live.

We aim to promote the use of Welsh, history and culture through our curriculum regardless of the home language. We offer Welsh medium education across the curriculum, and aim for all children to reach their potential of fluency in Welsh and English.

As well as providing high quality learning experiences, all pupils are encouraged to take part in a range of cultural, musical, sporting and extra-curricular activities throughout their time at school. We look forward to welcoming you here. If you would like to arrange a visit, please contact the school.
