Blaenoriaethau CDY/ SDP Priorities

Immediate Priorities for 2024/ 25: 
P1: Strengthened the school’s self-evaluation systems ensuring that duties are successfully distributed.
P2: Developed school-wide assessment and feedback practices, ensuring pupils have a solid understanding of their strengths and way forward. 
P3: Strengthened pupils’ progress in the 5 mathematical proficiencies providing pupils with a range of cross-curricular experiences and deepening their conceptual understanding.
P4: Developed extended writing standards, by systematically building on previous skills.
Blaenoriaethau ar gyfer 2024/ 25: 
B1: Cryfhau systemau hunanwerthuso’r ysgol gan sicrhau bod dyletswyddau’n cael eu dosbarthu’n llwyddiannus.
B2: Datblygu arferion asesu ac adborth ar draws yr ysgol, gan sicrhau bod gan ddisgyblion ddealltwriaeth gadarn o’u cryfderau a’u ffordd ymlaen.
B3: Cryfhau cynnydd disgyblion yn y 5 hyfedredd mathemategol gan ddarparu ystod o brofiadau trawsgwricwlaidd i ddisgyblion a dyfnhau eu dealltwriaeth gysyniadol.
B4: Datblygu safonau ysgrifennu estynedig, trwy adeiladu ar sgiliau blaenorol yn systematig.